Anthony Romero, the founder of the GRL® in his early teenage years, he learned the valve of hard labor work and the importance towards working for your dreams and never giving up. Which this molded his work ethic and the pursuit of a better life. During his high school and college years, Anthony did not ­take his education seriously, although he was able to get average passing grades through his years in education. In his college years, he devoted his time and energy in partying and DJing at parties. Which led him to make certain decisions that brought distress to his mind, body, and soul. There was one event with alcohol involve and him swimming, which take in mind, he does not know how to swim. This led him to drown and lose conscious under water, which made his mind blackout and visualize his family carrying his casket at his funeral, and his life flashing before his eye. Thankfully due to the grace of God, his friends pulled him out of the water, and without any CPR, he gained conscious back. After this main event in his life Anthony, began to take his life more serious and dive in into reading books and learning skills to gain back loss time for not learning back in school. He started to make different decisions in his live such as going to the gym, praying and learning more about God. Cared about his health, enhance his mindset, which led him to live a more peaceful life. This all came by giving up his past lifestyle to gain a new lifestyle with God.

Anthony discovered the Get Ripped Life during COVID when he surrendered his life to Christ and understood that God plays an importance in any creation one wants to pursue in their lives. He created the Get Ripped Life to display the life individuals should live to obtain a level of success, clarity, or internal peace, by growing Mentally, Physically, and Spiritually. He wanted to share this lifestyle with others by creating a clothing that reflected our inner self. First, he started to learn about creating designs on his own, as well as working at a print shop to get knowledge about clothing and how to make custom apparel, for him to express his lifestyle to others. This was a long journey that Anthony was willing to embark on.

He started to share the lifestyle with individuals around him and places he would workout at, by living it and being an example of the lifestyle. He would give out shirts to individuals that lived the lifestyle and encourage others to do so as well. He started out from his bedroom printing T-shirts and selling to close friends, family, and individuals at his local gyms. He would also give out free apparel to individuals to wear. With time the lifestyle started to get out to different communities and till this day it continues to expand, which excites him especially when he can share the word of the Lord through this lifestyle. Anthony is thankful that God saved his life and gives him the free will to share his story with other, to express that at the end we are not alone, that in darkness God our savior is with us, ready to set us free into the light.